Is Your Head Shot Turning People Off?

November 15, 2010 0

At some point, every business professional will be asked to provide a head shot.  If you’re digitally social, you have a Linkedin account, a Facebook page, a blog and you might even be an avid […]


October 12, 2010 0

For years, the National Organization for WOMEN (NOW) has hidden behind the abortion issue as when handing out candidate endorsements, but one day after a staffer for California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown suggested calling […]

America! Let’s Take it Down a Notch!

September 28, 2010 0

Yes, I’m stealing John Stewart’s plea to restore sanity.   Pop Star Katy Perry performed her hit song “Hot and Cold” during a taping of Sesame Street last week, wearing a dress that some felt was […]

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