You really need to listen to Dr. Laura’s conversation with her caller to understand how bizarre her conversation is. While her spewing the ‘N’ word is upsetting to most, what I disliked was her dismissal of her caller’s feelings. Let’s talk after you listen:
FULL AUDIO: Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s N-word rant.
Ok. First of all, I believe the caller is right to feel irritated by the constant comments about her race. Imagine if the comments were focused on other things – “what do fat people think” or “you’re a stay at home mom that doesn’t work, so”, it’s the consistent chipping away of a person’s confidence when couching a question before a response is required. She’s supposed to be a mental health therapist, but she appears to require one herself. What I actually took away from the whole conversation is that she hates Obama. Too simplistic? Is it more sinister than that? Hmmm…I think Obama needs to set up a beer summit with her.