Whitman with her mom. Margaret Whitman worked as a mechanic in New Guinea during WWII as an American Red Cross volunteer.

For years, the National Organization for WOMEN (NOW) has hidden behind the abortion issue as when handing out candidate endorsements, but one day after a staffer for California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown suggested calling Whitman a “whore” after she earned the endorsement of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, NOW announced its endorsement of Brown OVER his Republican opponent Meg Whitman who, the National Organization of WOMEN apparently doesn’t realize, is a WOMAN.

I was a member of the organization in the eighties or nineties for one year and I plan to write a strongly worded letter asking for a refund.

Patty Bellasalma, president of California NOW, cited Brown’s longtime support of women and Whitman’s abuse of employees, as the reason for NOW’s endorsement.

“The abuse of employees, whether in the workplace or in the home, is not acceptable.”  It’s a pattern that’s developing about how Meg Whitman treats people who she believes are beneath her. It’s a cynical game of the Republican Party, putting up candidates who are anti-women to garner women votes superficially.”

There it is.  The ‘R-Card’ – Republican.  She doesn’t like Whitman because she is a Republican.   Bellasalma goes on in her statement (unfortunately) that Whitman is a pawn by a party with a super, secret mission that is…shhhhhh…anti-women…so they put up candidates who are “anti-women to garner women votes superficially.”

What the hell does that even mean?  For the record, Republican candidate Meg Whitman is pro-choice so NOW had to come up with some other reason to discount her candidacy.  As for abusing employees in the workplace, a New York Times story quotes unnamed former employees of eBay Whiteman “was known as a demanding leader who did not hesitate to express displeasure with employees who failed to live up to her standards.”

Why is it that when a woman is forceful she is a bitch and when a man is demanding he’s a leader?  Why is that NOW?

Today, the organization that was once dedicated to fighting for women’s equality has now expanded their mission which includes fighting for amnesty of illegal immigrants and same sex marriages.

Hey, National Organization for WOMEN, there are already people fighting for those issues.  FOCUS!

And, maybe if you begin to focus, you’ll realize your mission.  It’s simple…one word…WOMEN.  Or, as we like to call them, GIRLFRIENDS.  You’ve let us down.  Don’t let it happen again.

The National Organization NOT for Women Asks Brown to fire Staffer who used the ‘W’ Word
