It sounds like a movie script, but so much better. Yesterday afternoon at around 1pm, a 32 year-old Sofitel Hotel maid entered a $3000/night suite to clean it. The occupant, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and a major contender for the 2012 race for President of France [“opinion polls rank as front-runner in the April 2012 race,” says Reuters], exited the shower, according to the maid completely naked and proceeded to “chase her down the hallway [of the suite] into the bedroom and onto the bed,” according to APN News quoting Deputy NY Police Commissioner Paul J Browne. There he sexually assaulted her. “She said she fought him off, then he dragged her into the bathroom, where he forced her to perform oral sex on him and tried to remove her underwear. The woman was able to break free again and escaped the room and told hotel staff what had happened, authorities said. They called police.”
Conundrum: The alleged assailant is head of one of the most influential and powerful organizations in the world. The IMF oversees the global financial system. Made up of the 187 UN member countries, the organization loans money (supplied by member countries) to those countries in need. [a simplistic explanation of the IMF, but that’s not really the story]. Strauss-Kahn was scheduled to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, Germany today to discuss bailout money for Greece, an economy that desperately needs relief.
That is where Strauss-Kahn was headed and he just might have made have gotten away with it had it not been for the New York City Police. Just 10 minutes from taking off, New York City police detectives boarded Air France Flight 23, entered the first class cabin, and took Strauss-Kahn off the plane. He is now at the NY Police Department’s Special Victim’s Unit, says APN.
Now THAT is historic.
If he is guilty (innocent until proven), I’ll bet he’s done this before.
I cannot even imagine what went through Strauss-Kahn’s head when he was led away. I’m pretty sure the city jail doesn’t have maid service, so there won’t be any temptations.