The Photo of Shame

February 17, 2012 0

WHERE ARE THE WOMEN???? Shame is such an icky word, but I use it here without hesitation. Yesterday, February 16, 2012, a group of sat on a panel to discuss the issue of covering birth […]

The Catholic Assault on Women, AGAIN

February 13, 2012 0

The recent women’s health policy announced by the Obama administration has caused a blizzard of posts, comments, tweets and protests from…… MEN! Yes. The loudest MAN has been the Catholic Church. I was raised a […]

Afghanistan Needs a Woman Warrior

February 2, 2012 0

It was Friedrich Nietzsche that said, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” I’m not surprised it was a man, because it seems the correct adage for a woman would be “That which […]
