Who’s Writing for CNN?

I’m not quite sure why this headline piqued my interest recently -“Chinese police sorry for failure to unearth deadly sex dungeon”

It was posted from CNN so maybe I thought there was some news there.  I should have been a little skeptical when a headline editor chose to use “dungeon” just before the words “deadly” and “sex.”  The story’s byline states “By the CNN Wire Staff,” which I find interesting.  First, the writer describes the carved out rooms as the suspect’s  “underground lair.”  Lair?  When was the last time you saw that used?  1970?

State run media noted that Li’s intent was, ” to make money running pornographic businesses, including uploading videos to the Internet.”  So State run media wants us to know this man had a plan, it wasn’t some crazy idea to steal women off the street, he’s entrepreneurial.  What about the women who were rescued?

In the fifth paragraph down, the writer says, “Police didn’t act and raid Li’s home, until September 3 after one of the supposed “sex slaves” escaped and one of her relatives talked with police.”  Why did this “journalist” write “supposed” before “sex slaves” which is already in quotes and why are there quotes at all?

According to the story, the public security director apologized “for the lag time between when Li began abducting the women and police discovered him.”  Did the police discover him or were they led by the “supposed sex slave?”  Four officers were suspended based on a realization that “community patrols were ineffective and police had lost their sense of responsibility.”

Fortunately, the public security director hasn’t lost his.  When the lair was discovered, the four surviving women were detained for “alleged criminal involvement.”

Now, I have heard everything.

Good thing the CNN writer followed up on the absurd allegation.  Oh, wait.  Scratch that.
