Tulsi Gabbards Three-Fifths Compromise Over Veterans

February 19, 2015 0

Not one of the men and women elected to serve questioned the fact that H.R. 22 makes a compromise with corporations in order to reduce their tax burden by counting non-veterans as one person and veterans with healthcare as a NON-PERSON, not even three-fifths. […]

#SOTUsnark Ready for Tonight’s Showdown?

January 20, 2015 0

Say what you want about the POTUS, but he is our Commander-in-Chief and should be respected as such. No, I didn’t vote for him, but frankly I wouldn’t vote for any one of the members […]

Would you call the police if this was happening next door?

December 27, 2014 0

Do you find this post ” patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable material for minors?” Well consider this: if a neighbor was standing in front of his window doing exactly the same thing in from of children, would you have him arrested? […]

This is the True Meaning of Christmas

December 24, 2014 0

Thousands of lives were touched this past weekend by the generosity of people and in the end, what if it was all a magical plan to make sure five young children would have a Christmas beyond what they could imagine. […]

Is the Fear of Islam Fair in America?

December 16, 2014 0

Marian Andersen said, “Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman.” Of course, she was right. Being human is a luxury that is extremely expensive today. […]

Yes, I’m In: Hunkering Down in a Yurt

December 11, 2014 0

I came across this great article on a day when it was rainy, cold and my computer died. (Did I mention that traffic to work was the worst it had been all year?) I don’t know what you think about Yurts, but I’m thinking about a serious life change. What do you think? […]

Smyrna, GA City Council Opposes VA Hospital – RALLY PLANNED SATURDAY

December 3, 2014 0

I appreciate the support of the Commander and members of Smyrna American Legion Post 160 in hosting this rally with me. Thank you! Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend if possible. I encourage you to share this information with your family, friends and neighbors. Again, the rally will be Saturday 6 December at 12:00 Noon. […]


November 23, 2014 0

Do you know how unprecendented it is for a paid ad newspaper to hyperlink to two pages of a blogger in a content piece, especially a link as enticing as “you crusty ol’ c–.” This is worth hundreds of thousands in the PR world. For the record, just talking about someone does not require linking back. Something isn’t right. This is a big coup for Schorsch. Wonder who told Smith to do it. […]

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