#SOTUsnark Ready for Tonight’s Showdown?

Say what you want about the POTUS, but he is our Commander-in-Chief and should be respected as such. No, I didn’t vote for him, but frankly I wouldn’t vote for any one of the members of Congress today. I haven’t seen one step out and earn my respect as a statesman or stateswoman. The fact that the Keystone Pipeline is more important than Veteran’s health,is enough to get me on a mission to get rid of the whole lot. Now comes the “Hiring More Heroes Act”, a swipe at Obamacare while telling the men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country that they don’t count.

So I’m getting ready for tonight’s SOTU.. I’m going to use it to remind the members of Congress to work together and quit using moments like these to set themselves up for reelection. The SOTU is about us, not them.

I was intrigued by the League of Women’s Voter’s Bingo game to follow along with President Obama’s speech and decided to come up with my own, but in this one you are in charge and get to place the pieces on your board. I’ve also included Business Insider’s list of the 12 best tweeters in Congress so we can all keep an eye on what is being shared with the world. As a country, we need to be United because we are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. There are people really hurting.  Download BINGO Card.

“Let us put our minds together and see what future we can make for our children.” ~Chief Joseph, Nez Percé

State of the Union

Rep. Justin Amash (R – Mich.) — @repjustinamash
Sen. Marco Rubio (R- Fla.) — @marcorubio
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) — @SenSanders
Rep. Darrell Issa (R- Calif.) — @DarrellIssa
Sen. Claire McCaskill (R-Mo.) — @clairemc
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) — @ChuckGrassley
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) — @SenRandPaul
Rep. Billy Long (R – Mo.) — @auctnr1
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — @NancyPelosi
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) — @TomCoburn
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) — @SenJohnMcCain
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) — @alfranken

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