I’m pretty sure that South Dakota is part of the United States, but if they seceded and I just missed that, I will apologize. For now, all I see is a state that refuses to allow women to participate in any political process.
I literally cannot keep up with all the stories I’m hearing about women being arrested, charged, stalked, just because they have the gall to speak up, rise up, or stand up. I’ve already posted about Dr. Annette Bosworth who is facing 24 years in prison. When Bosworth ran for U.S. Senate, she was stalked, mobbed and eventually charged with signing six petition sheets that she sent to the Hutterite colony. She would later find out that circulating also means witnessing every signature EVEN if you know the people signing. In a twist that is unbelievable to fathom, the President of the Hutterite colony admitted that he signed the names of his residents, well, like forged them. He was given immunity and Bosworth was charged with 12 felonies which would never have happened if he hadn’t forged them…
Last week, 68 year-old Roberta Helmerick pleaded NOT GUILTY, charged in federal court with soliciting signatures on postal property and disorderly conduct. Her trial is July 23.
Helmerick and members of Citizens for Liberty were collecting signature to defeat the Rapid City school district tax increase”
FYI – The Post Office is owned by the people of the United States of America
According to KOTATV:
The post office declines comment other than a written statement that petitioners can use public spaces surrounding the post office, as long as they don’t impede access to the building.
According to police, post office management told petitioners on Tuesday to stop collecting signatures inside or directly in front of the building; that they could be on the public sidewalk around the parking lot. After some time, most of the petitioners complied. But not all.
“The persistent refusal of Mrs. Helmerick to cooperate with the post office and police officer throughout the day left us with no other option than enforcement so that we could get back to routine police business,” said Chief of Police Karl Jegeris.
The were successful in halting the increase, but if you’re wondering what really happened, here’s some bystanders who were there:
Mick Moulton ·
Arron Hiedelburger