Mother Dies in U.S. Debtor’s Prison

June 21, 2014 0

Depression or any other mental health issues go undiagnosed and an entire family suffers. The signs are all there for anyone to see. I’m not a professional and I see it. Why was DiNino not provided help?


Google Leaves Sexual Assault Video on Youtube

June 16, 2014 0

The Associated Press reported yesterday that the Egyptian Embassy in Washington has made a formal request to YouTube, which is owned by Google Inc. “to remove a video of a woman being sexually assaulted in […]

Scout Willis’ Nipples, Irony and Gender Equality

June 2, 2014 0

Today’s young women equate too much of their power with their bodies and forget the power that their brains hold. Last week, Scout Willis took to the streets of New York City topless. She makes a point about irony and the nipple. […]
